Get to Know Us
Hudson Lab School is where joyful, mission-driven people come together to find community, grow their professional purpose, and thrive.
In the videos below, hear from our teachers why they choose to work at Hudson Lab School.
Hudson Lab School takes learning to a whole new level by connecting science, math, history and writing to the real world.
Every year the entire K-8 school applies Stanford d.School's Design Thinking process to solve a challenge. This year, classes worked collaboratively using real tools to design carnival games. Learning at its most fun!
Project-Based Learning at Hudson Lab School
No matter what work you do, it's always about who you work with.
At Hudson Lab School, educators have the freedom to teach how they teach best.
At Hudson Lab School, we are outdoors a lot!
Team collaboration and support account for our success and our happiness as educators.
In addition to being incredible teachers, HLS educators are interesting, active and fun.
To see some of our past projects, please click here.
Even during the pandemic, our teachers were able to find happiness and humanity.