After School at Hudson Lab School consists of two programs: After Care and After School programs.
After Care is available for students from dismissal to 5:45pm Monday-Friday. During After Care, students have access to a number of activities, toys, games, books, and crafts that they can freely choose from. Students also have time to eat snack, work on homework, and play outside.
After School Programs are trimester long, extracurricular classes held once a week Monday-Friday. Extended care is available for students needing aftercare before or after the activity. Andrus traffic circle pick-up times will be at 4:45pm or 5:45pm. If you arrive outside of these designated times, please park in the lower lot and walk to the entrance of Hudson Lab School for drop-off/pick-up.
Our after school programs are taught by HLS teachers and outside vendors. After School Programs have included: Tinkering Club, Fencing, Dungeons & Dragons, Grit-on-the-Go, Theatre Arts, Robotics, Soccer, Art, Music & Piano, Newspaper Club, and Chess for All Ages.